Name: Ignacio Martínez Pascual.
Name: Ignacio Martínez Pascual.
Identification number: 16.613.619 Y
Nationality: Spanish.
Mobile: 685-806896
- Actually studying graphic design in Upper Design Art school of Logroño.
- Certificate of formation in graphic publicity.
- Upper technician in creation and design of web pages with free software offered by OPC through the Star sindicate of a total of 360 hours.
- Bachillerato in the Art school of Logroño.
- Graduado escolar in Escuelas Pias of Logroño.
- At the moment working as employee of the Yelmo 3D cinema
- Employee at Ale-Hop shop (2007-2009).
- Graphic designer and web doing practices in JazzGroup Comunication (2007).
- Graphic designer doing practices in Sidecar Publicity (2007).
- Employee at T & M cinema in Logroño and Cinema in Las Cañas of Navarra (2006-2007).
- Computer literacy in PC and Macintosh and programmes such as Freehand Mx, Photoshop, Quark Express, Indesign, Golive, Dreamweaver, Flash 8, Word...
- Certificate in intensive Office 2000 given by Da Vinci Technology and Formation (2001).
- English at user’s level.
- Driving license B1 and own vehicle.